Greenkeepers Update

Click below to watch the video of all the hard work the green keepers put in in 2023

2023 course improvements work




I have set out below what our annual programme of work comprises of in a standard year. The team
are kept busy delivering this programme to maintain the course at the highest standard we can
achieve. Though it seems no year is ever standard, especially the last year!

This time of year, is so weather dependent, but usually centres on specific project work and the
maintenance and checking of our machinery, irrigation and drainage systems.
Some work to the greens may be undertaken, for example, disease treatment and light fertilising.

This is our busiest time of the year with:

  1. Work to the greens (hollow tining, top dressing of sand, general feed, spiking, verti cutting
    and fertilising)
  2. Edging of bunkers and topping up with sand
  3. Fertilising and seeding to tees
  4. General increase in grass cutting activity.

This is also a good time to undertake divot repair work to repair winter damage (volunteers
We will also test our irrigation systems to ensure fully operational for the summer months.

A lot of our activity is similar to the previous quarter, with an increased focus on watering of the
greens and commencement of specific maintenance to greens and tees, with hollow tining,
scarifying, verti cutting and draining, sanding and seeding undertaken.

As we prepare for winter, time is spent lifting leaves and keeping greens and bunkers cleared. A
close eye on our greens is required at this time to check for diseases etc. In addition, our greens and
fairways may be spiked and tree cutting etc. is required.
A key part of our job at this time is the protection of our tees and greens, so you will see temporary
greens being cut and temporary greens/tees used when required.

This is the time when most of our course projects will begin.

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