Stay & Play at Briar Court Hotel & Restaurant

Stay & Play

Exclusive offers with

Briar Court Hotel and Restaurant

Why not make a weekend of it with our Stay & Play offers

Golf, Stay & Play Packages

Based on Accommodation rates:

Standard Double Room Double occupancy £75 B&B per room per night

Standard Double Room Single occupancy  £65 B&B per room per night

Based on green Fee of £15

Package 1 :

Golf B&B from £52.50pp. This includes golf, overnight stay and full English Breakfast

Price Breakdown:

Double Occupancy: Green Fees £15pp, BCH £37.50 Total £52.50

Single Occupancy: Green Fees £15pp, BCH 65pp Total £80pp

Package 2:

Golf, Dinner, Dinner,  overnight stay, B&B from £86.50

1 round of golf, dinner from a set menu at Da Sandro restaurant** overnight Stay & breakfast.

Price Breakdown:

Double Occupancy: Green Fees £15pp, BCH £71.50 Total £86.50

Single Occupancy: Green Fees £15pp, BCH £99.00pp Total £114.00pp

** menu TBC

Incentives for Outlane Members at Briar Court

In addition to the golf stay & play packages club members and their family can benefit from preferential accommodation rates at the Briar Court Hotel 01484 519902(available when booking direct with reception team quoting Outlane Golf Club

Single occupancy £65 B&B

Double occupancy £75 B&B

Incentives for Briar Court Customers:

Play golf for £15 when showing your accommodation card. Bookings must be made in advance by booking online or through the club shop on 01422 374762

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